Ringsted Gallery, Centrum KulturY Poznan Polen 2010 Munkeruphus 2012

La Dolce vita 2-8

a video installation

la dolse vita presselille

LaDolceVita 2-8isa video projectmade in collaboration between the two artists Pernelle Maegaard and Nina Maria Kleivan. The videos are all made on location in Rome and  has been shownin Denmark in RingstedGalleriet and on Centrum Kultury “Zamek” in Poznan, Polen.


La Dolce Vita 2-8 is a videoinstallation inspired by the movie La Dolce Vita from 1960 by Federici Fellini.

The original film consists of 7non-linear stories. Maegaard and Kleivan have made 7 videos which are linked by the theme water/fountains. In the original movie the scene in the Trevifountain with Marcello Mastrianniand Anita Ekberg is the must famous. Maegaard and Kleivan are inspired in their 7 works not only by this scene, but by othert hings in the film, such as the cutting teqnique, the way people move in an out door scene, the black and white images, a telephone scene where Maegaard and Kleivan let a man play the womans character and so on.

The installationismeantto beshowninaroomusingthreeprojection,theprojectionsmayvaryinsize. The project consists of three different DVDs.Each of the three projectionsshowsall7videosbutinrandomorder,sosometimeswe may seethesamefilmshownattwooreventhreeprojections. Soundsinterfereandgiveacacophonousexperience.



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La Dolce Vita 2-8

a video installation

LaDolceVita 2-8isa video projectmade in collaboration between the two artistsPernelleMaegaardandNinaMariaKleivan. Thevideoser allmadeonlocationinRomeandhasbeenshownin DenmarkinRingstedGalleriet andon Centrum Kultury “Zamek” in Poznan, Polen.

La Dolce Vita 2-8 isavideoinstallationinspiredbythemovieLaDolceVitafrom1960byFedericiFellini.

Theoriginalfilmconsistsof7non-linear stories. Maegaard and Kleivanhavemade7videoswhicharelinkedby the theme water/fountains. IntheoriginalmoviethesceneintheTrevifountainwithMarcelloMastrianniandAnitaEkbergisthemustfamous. Maegaard and Kleivanareinspiredintheir7worksnot onlybythisscene,butby otherthings in the film, such asthecuttingteqnique, thewaypeoplemoveinan outdoorscene, the blackandwhite images, atelephonescene where Maegaard and Kleivan let a man play the womans characterandso on.

The installationismeantto beshowninaroomusingthreeprojection,theprojectionsmayvaryinsize. The project consists of three different DVDs.Each of the three projectionsshowsall7videosbutinrandomorder,sosometimeswe may seethesamefilmshownattwooreventhreeprojections. Soundsinterfereandgiveacacophonousexperience.